
The purpose of the House of Destiny is to be an "effective" outreach organization of non-profit status that will work to be a true support to released felons as they incorporate themselves back into the society at large. The question is "how" will these released felons be incorporated back into society? The answer to this is as follows:

The purpose of HOD is to train, educate, house and counsel these felons in matters of spiritual guidance, family, jobs, financial stability, along with the other essentials that come with the need of returning from prison back into society to lead a productive life. The point is still expressed that without the support of the community for these released felons, most have no other choice (within their own thinking) than to return to their old ways, thus, causing greater chaos (some irrevocable) to the communities that they return to.

The purpose of HOD should be seriously considered in the contexts of the state's budget cuts across the board, especially in education and prisons. It doesn't take a genius to see and understand the strain of such cuts on the people, knowing that this type financial pressure brings greater heights of danger to businesses, families, and people in general. "We" have a problem, and if this problem goes unchallenged and we decide to become complacent as we all know that people are notorious at becoming, we can all bet that the greater disaster lies waiting at the doors of our communities and possibly, our families.

This is a fact! Our purpose here at HOD is to challenge the shortcoming of the rehabilitation process in our state which has "honestly" turned into ineffectiveness. There is no rehab in the state prison system and, therefore, HOD is vital to the link among the released felons, the community, and the state system. Somebody (hopefully all of us) will understand the necessity of this program and decide to get involved as a team to help finance and coordinate these efforts.

Our initial strategy is to involve ourselves in the "service" of the operation, and as the mission is geared forward, HOD will enter in upon the building efforts of housing and training facilities, thus, weaning ourselves from the mercy of the training facilities and housing of other owners of these type places, thus freeing HOD up to be more flexible in their mission of helping released felons become adequately incorporated back into the communities.